St. Mark's Sanctuary and Ethan, Nan Corrigan DM and myself after the service!
Further along in the week, I visited the Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery meeting, where again, I received a warm welcome and delicious roast beef dinner. The meeting was held at St. Matthew's United in Inverness, which also gave me an appreciation of how geographically spread out we are! Being from Cape Breton myself, I quickly felt at home at the sound of the lilt when people spoke and at the sight of the mountains in the background. Highlights of the meeting included the installation of Roberta Phillips as the new Chair person, hearing the work of their committees, and learning that they are engaged in an educational process which will hopefully lead them into the Affirming Process.
Out-going Chair, Nan Corrigan and In-coming Chair, Roberta Phillips
At the end of the meeting, I had the privilege of being their theological reflector (which I have to say, is a fantastic way to bring everything together!), at which time I reflected upon the word courage...they as a presbytery are showing great courage as they continue to discern what it means to be United Church in their communities and how they can continue to live into being safe places where people can gather and explore their faith. They may be a smaller presbytery in terms of numbers, but their ministry is by no means small, working toward being intentional about inclusivity and truly living out Jesus' call to love our neighbours.
<----St. Matthew's United Church, Inverness
Being back in Cape Breton was indeed a treat and seeing how alive and vibrant the Church continues to be both at St. Mark's and Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery as a whole will continue to inspire me in the year ahead. I hope it inspires you to reflect upon the ways in which you can continue to be courageous in your community, wherever it might be, and however big or small it might be, because together, we have the potential to continue to show love to our world, one church, one community at a time.
Until next time, thanks Inverness-Guysborough, for inviting me home!*
Ethan and I took the opportunity to stay in Glace Bay during our trip...Thanks Mom and Dad!
*My Disclaimer: While Sydney Presbytery is technically home, being in Cape Breton is always wonderful!