Friday, 17 June 2016

To Inverness-Guysborough and Beyond!

This blog is a little over-due, but none less important as I continue to reflect on our ministry as Maritime Conference.  This past weekend, I had the honour of preaching at St. Mark's United Church in Port Hawkesbury on the occasion of their 50th Anniversary.  It was a grand celebration, including highland dancers (my favourite!) who both processed us in and danced during the service, some people who were youth when the church opened reading scripture, music by the choir, ringing of the bell that had been raised, and a delicious turkey dinner banquet following the service.  Many ministers who served the congregation were present, along with many past and current members alike.  It was a great pleasure to lead in worship with Nan Corrigan, who took great care in planning this year long celebration, which included concerts, cemetery services, and service that welcomed couples who were married in the church to renew their wedding vows! All of these serve as markers and reminders of the many ways that the church has served the community over the years and paves the way for ministry in the years to come.


St. Mark's Sanctuary and Ethan, Nan Corrigan DM and myself after the service!

Further along in the week, I visited the Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery meeting, where again, I received a warm welcome and delicious roast beef dinner.  The meeting was held at St. Matthew's United in Inverness, which also gave me an appreciation of how geographically spread out we are! Being from Cape Breton myself, I quickly felt at home at the sound of the lilt when people spoke and at the sight of the mountains in the background.  Highlights of the meeting included the installation of Roberta Phillips as the new Chair person, hearing the work of their committees, and learning that they are engaged in an educational process which will hopefully lead them into the Affirming Process.

                           Out-going Chair, Nan Corrigan and In-coming Chair, Roberta Phillips

At the end of the meeting, I had the privilege of being their theological reflector (which I have to say, is a fantastic way to bring everything together!), at which time I reflected upon the word courage...they as a presbytery are showing great courage as they continue to discern what it means to be United Church in their communities and how they can continue to live into being safe places where people can gather and explore their faith.  They may be a smaller presbytery in terms of numbers, but their ministry is by no means small, working toward being intentional about inclusivity and truly living out Jesus' call to love our neighbours.

<----St. Matthew's United Church, Inverness

Being back in Cape Breton was indeed a treat and seeing how alive and vibrant the Church continues to be both at St. Mark's and Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery as a whole will continue to inspire me in the year ahead.  I hope it inspires you to reflect upon the ways in which you can continue to be courageous in your community, wherever it might be, and however big or small it might be, because together, we have the potential to continue to show love to our world, one church, one community at a time.

Until next time, thanks Inverness-Guysborough, for inviting me home!*

Ethan and I took the opportunity to stay in Glace Bay during our trip...Thanks Mom and Dad!
*My Disclaimer: While Sydney Presbytery is technically home, being in Cape Breton is always wonderful!

Monday, 13 June 2016

Who is My Neighbour? My Prayers and Actions for Orlando

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12: 31.

Dear Friends,

            As I have paused to pray about the horrific events in Orlando, these words from Mark’s Gospel came into my heart.  Because of these words, acts of hatred toward a specific group of people cause fear, doubt, and leave us with a sense of wondering when hatred and violence will ever come to an end.  When so many lives are senselessly and so violently taken, it shakes us to our core because we wonder if love will ever fully be understood.
            Times like these cause us to ask who is our neighbor, and respond with even more conviction that Jesus calls us to love everyone, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, or sexual identity.  All over the world, tributes of bright and beautiful colours seek to honour those affected and remind us that love is stronger than hate.  And so, we are left to ask, how do we continue to embrace inclusivity and work for justice so that our communities are safe places for all?
            I believe that one of the ways we can not only show solidarity, but be active in the pursuit of love and justice is through Affirm United—ensuring that our churches, presbyteries and conference are safe places where dialogue can happen and networking can continue to bring people together.  Prayer has a very important role in our lives, but sometimes, action is the best prayer we can utter.  And so, yes, continue to pray for the people and communities affected.  Continue to pray for the murderer and all those who resort to violence.  But also act…my friends, now more than ever, is the time for us to be courageous and remind people that our faith is based in love, not hate, in harmony, not dissidence, in believing that we work better together, rather than apart.  Yes, each of us knows that we are different, but let us continue to believe that it is in our differences that we find solidarity, and in faith in God that we find we are each made in God’s image. 

Blessings as we continue to work for love and justice,

Rev. Catherine Stuart

Friday, 10 June 2016

91 Years...So Much Ministry!

Today, on this the 91st Anniversary of The United Church of Canada, gathered at Trinity United Church in New Glasgow, NS, we gathered to say goodbye to and give thanks for the life of Nancy Fraser.  Nancy was a Diaconal Minister with over 50 years of service to her church and community. The Rev. Donna Tourneur said it best, when in her sermon, told of Nancy's Pioneer spirit that forged new territory for women in ministry--she took risks and followed her calling, which turns out, is a very United Church thing to do! Just as in 1925, at the Mutual Street Arena, when a new church with a bold new vision was born, Nancy's ministry and life were fine examples of courage, listening for God's voice, and serving both her church and her community with compassion.

It was an honour and a privilege, and although it is sad when we lose one of our faithful ministers, being at this funeral reminded me of two things: First, that we are privileged to serve among such fine, faithful, and dedicated colleagues, and second, that our church family goes well beyond the communities in which we gather each week.  I felt the Spirit's presence in the words of prayer offered, in scripture read, in reflections on Nancy's life and ministry, in the gentle keys of the piano played by her great-nephew, and in the power of the pipe organ and hymns sung.  There was nothing quite like the sight of the Women Alike Abreast a River Dragon Boat Team Honour Guard as the casket was gently taken out of the church...truly beautiful.  This United Church of ours is a wonderful thing, and for it's 91 years, for Nancy Fraser's ministry, and for the ministry that we share as colleagues and members of Christ's Body, I am grateful and in awe.

We Are Not Alone.  Thanks Be to God.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Camp...Youth Forum...Church...Oh the Possibilities!

Seeing some posts on Facebook today got me reflecting on some of the amazing things that are happening in our Conference, and even though I am not there, or won't be taking part in the activities, I think they need mention and holding up as places where amazing ministry happens in our church. I'm talking about the Camp Directors Training (happening as I write this), Camp Stuff (happening at Sherbrooke Lake Camp this coming weekend), and what will be the team who plans for the Youth Forum Events for this coming year, as they search for people to fill the positions on their planning team.

All three of these groups are made up of young adults and others who strongly believe in the ministry that happens, both at Camps across our Conference and at YF.  As many of you know, both camp and YF hold a special place in my heart and in the faith story that has brought me to where I am.  We are extremely fortunate as a church to have all of these people who are passionate about ministering to and with those who either might not find themselves in church, or to those who need reminding that they are not alone on their already growing faith journey.  

So I ask you to take a minute, wherever you are while reading this, and pray. Pray for the leaders, that they might be inspired to create their programs and grow together. Pray for the campers and participants across our conference who will take part in these amazing programs.  And pray for our church, that we will continue to see the value in all that they offer, because maybe these programs don't pay for our buildings right now, and maybe sending a child to camp or YF costs money that we might not always have.  But think of it as an investment in a person--a person who might be doing awesome things where they live and are in need of some courage and encouragement, a person who may be exploring a call to ministry, who may have ideas of how to build the Body of Christ beyond our buildings.  I know that I am truly grateful for those in the church who invested their money and time in me...

May the Spirit be with us all this night.  Thank you Camp and YF for all that you have given me and all that you give to our Church.

Love and Blessings,

PS-IAC (Intermediates at Conference) is awesome too!! Just not in the posts I was seeing!

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

You Are Invited!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Across our Maritime Conference,

Now that I feel as though my feet are back on the ground after a wonderful Annual Meeting, I am inviting you to join me on this journey.

This blog will serve as both memory to me, and a place where we can document together all that we will do over the course of our year.  It is my hope that we will be able to add pictures, stories, poems, and so much more so that our journey is documented and reflected upon as I gratefully serve as your president. 

It is my hope that this year will bring us closer together as we seek to continue to Gather Strength and Scatter Light across our Conference and beyond our Church!

Grateful for the journey and all who join me, 
