Monday, 18 July 2016

We Gathered to Say Thank You

Last night, on one of the points of my own pastoral charge here in PEI, we gathered at Cape Traverse United Church for one last service of worship and decommissioning.  Over the past couple of years, the Bedeque Pastoral Charge, of which Cape Traverse was one point, has been engaged in a visioning process that led to amalgamation of the three congregations (Borden, Bedeque and Cape Traverse) on January 1st of this year.  

And so last night, we gathered to give thanks for the ministry that took place there for over 125 years. We were blessed to have a full choir, former organist, a soloist who grew up in Cape Traverse, greetings from former ministers and one of our former minsters, The Rev. Gloria Churchill (also a Past-President of Conference), present for our time together, as well as Chair Roland Easter and other members of PEI Presbytery.  

As President of Conference, and as the minister who is blessed to serve this fantastic charge, I was honored to take part in this night to reflect upon all of the ministry that has happened there and to give thanks for the community that continues to hear the call of the Spirit, even though it might be leading them in unknown and unfamiliar ways.   It was wonderful to hear stories of memories past, and to reflect on my own memories there, even if they were more recent.  They, along with the rest of the Bedeque Pastoral Charge, are just one fine example of people here in Maritime Conference who have been and continue to be courageous people who seek to live out the Gospel, not only in their churches but in their communities and in the wider world. 

Again, as with many of my encounters thus far in this role, my heart is filled with gratitude for their willingness to hear where The Spirit is calling them to be, and for their love and encouragement for me, not only as their minister and friend, but as your president.  It is not an easy task to say goodbye to your spiritual home, but they did so with dignity and love, compassion and grace. 

Love and blessings to all of our pastoral charges as you too seek to hear where you are being called. May you, like Cape Traverse, be able to gather and give thanks for the ministry that you have given to your communities, and for the ministry that is yet to be lived out.  

Love and Blessings.

The light shining through the windows of 
Cape Traverse United Church.

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