Thursday, 5 January 2017

Happy New Year! Happy Epiphany!

Happy New Year to all of you across our Conference! And with that, Happy Epiphany!

Over the past few days, I've been checking out what a lot of my colleagues are doing to mark the new year, and am paying particular attention to how they are celebrating Epiphany, both personally and in the congregations they serve.  One practice in particular caught my eye and my heart.  The Rev. Catherine MacDonald, who is no stranger to our conference, and is currently serving Riverview and Nine Mile River United Churches in Halifax Presbytery, posted on her blog about Star Words that she has given and will be giving to her congregations as they gather on Sunday.  You can check out her awesome blog at 

It particularly struck a chord with me because I like the idea of having a word on which I can reflect on its meaning over the course of a year.  She offered to give out words to those of us who asked, so my word for 2017 is Grace.  This word already holds a lot of meaning for me, as I am keenly aware of God's grace, both in my ministry and in my life as a Mom.  It's a gift that I often wonder if I take for granted, but as I travel around the conference, hearing stories of both joy and sorrow, I am realizing that grace comes in all shapes and sizes and is so abundant and extravagant and beautiful, even if it is found in tears and grief.  Words hold a great deal of meaning that changes because of circumstances and experiences, so I am very much looking forward to finding what this word will hold.

So today, I don't have much to say about it, other than thank you to Catherine for this opportunity to reflect upon this gift, as I come to the next few months in my term as president, and look to what God is calling me to do and be beyond this time.  I hope that 2017 will show me how much the gift of grace is a star in my life that calls me to follow with courage and in love.

May the light of Epiphany shine brightly for you all.

Love and Blessings!

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