Wednesday, 8 March 2017

International Women's Day!

Today, on International Women's Day, I want to reflect for a moment, to give thanks for all of the women whose faith has shaped, and continues to shape, their lives, and without whom our church would not be the same.  We don't have to look too far in our collective memory or turn our heads to look around our communities to realize the impact that women have.  Scripture contains many stories of women who realized that things needed to change and courageously worked to make sure that those changes happened.  Even when they are not front and centre, women have supported and sustained families and communities, movements and uprisings for centuries and throughout history.

Within our own United Church history, women have worked to sustain communities of faith by answering the call to ministry (even when they couldn't formally), by educating our young, by raising countless amounts of money to make sure that God's light and love were shared for all.  I give thanks for women who fought tirelessly to make sure that future generations would be able to be ordained and commissioned...those who served as missionaries, as Deconesses, and as ministers' wives (who had and have a ministry in their own right) inspired many to let their own lights shine.

Finally, on this day, I give thanks for the continued work of women all around us.  For those who seek equal rights and financial compensation, who teach our children to love fiercely, who strive for a world without racism, class-ism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia, xenophobia, and anything else that seeks to divide communities.  Today, I proudly wear my clerical collar to acknowledge and remember the privilege that I hold because of the tireless and unconditional love shown to me by generations before me, those strong and faithful women who surround me, and the girls who will become the women who already love and will continue to love the world.  On this day, may we all remember that we are fearlessly and wonderfully made in the image of God, who loves us beyond our knowing.

Love and Blessings to all of you,

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