Wednesday, 14 September 2016

On the Road to Bathurst...Visiting Miramichi Presbytery!

This past weekend, on September 10th, I packed a small snack and got in my car for the drive to Bathurst...specifically, First United Church in Bathurst, for the fall meeting of Miramichi Presbytery. It had been a while since I was that far north, but I had a beautiful sunny, fall day for the drive.  When I arrived, I was welcomed by Chairperson Marion Green, and settled in to hear committee reports, outlining all of the wonderful ministry that is happening in this part of our Conference (and all money that is needed to make it happen!).  I was particularly impressed to find out that this Presbytery has already welcomed one Syrian family and are hoping to welcome another one soon!

Chairperson Marion Green, and 
Secretary The Rev. Charlene Maguire MacKnight

Following the morning session, members of the congregation at First United provided us with homemade hamburger soup and a variety of sandwiches, along with tea and coffee.  It never ceases to amaze me at how well our United Church people can cook! I don't think I've been to a meeting or gathering yet that left me hungry!

At 1pm, we gathered for worship, along with some members of the wider church community.  I had the privilege of leading in worship with the musician at First United, the talented Martha Vickers.  We shared in communion, a sacred time that continued to remind me that we are "fearfully, wonderfully made" (Psalm 139) in the Image of God who calls us and loves us beyond anything we can imagine.


Leading Worship

The meeting continued with discussions and votes on Remits.  This was rather lively, as people were engaged and interested in the topics that will affect our church in the future.

                                        Working on Remits!

Like many of our presbyteries, Miramichi has some challenges, but I quickly discovered that they have much to celebrate as well. I found dedicated ministry personnel and lay people, who love their churches and want to reach further into their communities so that all feel welcome and loved.  I found a group of people for whom getting together can be a challenge, geographically speaking, but when they are together, are fed by the experience and use that time to be re-fueled so that they can continue on the journey.

Thanks to Miriamichi and First United, Bathurst, for a wonderful visit! I hope that you are able to continue to see where God is calling you and that you feel the love and support of the Conference as you seek to love your communities across Northern New Brunswick and the Gaspé coast of Quebec.

               First United Church, Bathurst, NB   


Kyle Grant and I! I never go far without meeting someone from YF!

Love and Blessings!

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