Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Where's the President? My version of Where's Waldo...only I hope I'm Easier to Find!

One of the great joys of this position is that, on any given day, I never know where I might end up, which means that you never know where you'll see me!  This past week was one of those where I attended three wonderful, but completely different, events, and each a very important part of the ministry we share here in Maritime Conference.

Last Wednesday, September 21st, I had the privilege of gathering with Chignecto Presbytery as they celebrated becoming an Affirming Presbytery.  It was a very meaningful celebration, complete with prayers, the receiving of certificates, singing, and of course, cake! It showed me once more that so many of us have taken seriously the ministry of inclusion, and acknowledged both from where the presbytery has come, while holding up the journey that continues as we strive toward right relations with all people.

                            Ruth Gamble and Catherine Gaw                                  

                                  The Affirm United Banner


After my time with them, I took a short wander around the Mount Allison campus, more for the nostalgic part of me (as I'm a proud member of the Class of 2006!), and happened upon some fantastic chalk art outside of the Chapel, as part of Sackville's Pride celebrations.  It reminded me that for all we fall short of our goals sometimes, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139) in the image of God, and that fact alone is enough to celebrate.  A poignant find for my day!

Then on Saturday, September 24th, I had the pleasure of attending the morning part of the PEI UCW Presbyterial Gathering at Camp Abby.  Guest Speaker for the day was The Rev. Janice MacLean, recently known for her online ministry presence called The Prayer Bench.  Janice spoke about the place of Spiritual Memoir in our lives and how ordinary moments in our lives can become pivotal moments of spiritual growth and understanding.  Spiritual Memoir is often recorded through things like journals, jewelry, objects such as toys, quilts and many other seemingly ordinary things.  She led us through a practice by which we named a memory for which we were grateful, holding on to a gratitude cloth, and then singing "Three Things I Promise" (More Voices #176) as part of our worship.  It was a great gathering, bringing UCW members from across PEI together for a day of fellowship, education, worship, and yes, a delicious lunch!

Finally, on Tuesday of this week, you could find me at a gathering of Retired Ministers and some Widows of Retired Ministers here in PEI Presbytery.  Hosted by the Pensions Committee of Presbytery, and Winsloe United Church, the gathering included worship, and a time to hear about questions and concerns regarding many aspects of our church.  If I could, I'm going to ask you to hold our retirees, widows of retirees, and their families in our prayers, and in our collective memories because they are an important part of our church community and have much wisdom to offer us.  If you get the chance, listen to their stories and share in their laughter and tears...true movements of where the Spirit is in our midst.  I only apologize to them that I didn't take a picture of us together!

This has been an eventful week, and so until next time, keep your eyes peeled, as you never know where I might be spotted next!

Love and Blessings!

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